
Improving our pipeline of leadership with next generation leaders has become vital for businesses to adapt to the dynamics of market evolution and technology integration. We can achieve it through adaptive leadership training, effective communication, and professional development.

Rahul is a management consultant and entrepreneur. He evolved as a leader over 25 years of multicultural and international work experience. His contributions have been valued in the domains of Information Technology, Operations Management, ERP Consulting at MNCs, and Entrepreneurship in the USA and in India. His seasoned leadership roles groomed him as a reliable source for the development of future personnel with leadership skills to lead companies as first time leaders to senior leaders. 

He lead and inspired small to large member teams supporting companies in government, pharmaceutical, automotive, and education sectors valued from $250k to $330b. In the recent 4 years, in addition to startup ventures, he has consulted and mentored over 5000 professionals and graduates for his clients in diverse sectors ranging from technology to design to education to customer service.

He is passionate about leadership training, personality development, effective communication, financial planning, investment, fitness, and a healthy lifestyle! His formal education credentials include Entrepreneurship, USA; Management, USA; MS Equivalency, AIU-India; BE CS&E, India.

He can be reached at Rahul@Leadertain.com